Building Toward An Exciting Year

Building Toward An Exciting Year

Posted by A.J. on 24th Feb 2020

As many of you already know, we've been working to revamp our product line-up, and this year is going to see a lot of changes in that regard. We'll be sharing as much of that here as we can.

We recently had the chance to test a variety of rods we're working on: a new 8wt intended as part of a combo, plus new 10 and 12wt rods. The 8wt got the most use and passed its exams with flying colors. The 10 and 12 are going to need a bit more testing on beefier targets, but are definitely moving in the right direction.

While our first tests of these rods were on deflection boards and stress machines, our favorite part is putting them in the hands of guides and getting their honest opinions. Next up, we'll be testing some freshwater rods, but hopefully then we'll be pitting the 10wt against permit and the 12 against big tarpon!